Some articles about applications of Mixed Hypergraph Coloring  in different areas:

In Ramsey type problems:

In distributed computing (in part related to cyber-security):


In WORM and similar/related graph coloring:

/brilliant examples showing that basic concepts of mixed hypergraph coloring provide a wealthy source of infinitely many beautiful problems in graph theory/

Special comment.  After you pick a class of graphs and two subgraphs of interest  for C- and D-edges,  the following questions become very interesting immediately:
  1. conditions of uncolorability
  2. conditions of unique colorability
  3. values of the upper and lower chromatic numbers
  4. continuity of the chromatic spectrum
  5. perfection with respect to the upper chromatic number
  6. the values of entries in the chromatic spectrum
  7. chromatic polynomial (roots, coefficients)
  8. algorithmic aspects  of finding all of the above

In general graph and hypergraph coloring theory:

  • D. Kral. Mixed Hypergraphs and other coloring problems. Discrete Mathematics 307 (7-8) (2007), 923-938.

In general (range from molecular biology to philosophy):

In coloring of Block Designs:


 In Geombinatorics:

  • 171. P. Johnson, V. Voloshin. Geombinatorial Mixed Hypergraph Coloring Problems. Geombinatorics, Vol XVII (2), 2007, 57-67.